Arboricultural Consultancy Services
As a professional arboricultural company we believe it is important to understand the needs of tree owners and managers, and to provide services to help them better understand the condition, importance, and suitability of the trees under their care. We hope this will help to ensure that as a society we are caring for the tree population of today, and cultivating a sustainable urban tree population for future generations.​
To achieve this we are committed to:
Having relevant, positive conversations with tree owners and managers to fully understand their requirements and advise them on the most suitable way of achieving their tree related goals.
Collecting accurate and relevant information during tree surveys and inspections.
Using current knowledge and our extensive experience to assess the information.
Providing comments and recommendations in a clear, understandable format suitable to meet the needs of the client.
We have experience working for private tree owners, managers of large tree stocks such as land and housing management companies, property developers, architects and local authorities.​
Our Arboricultural consultancy team are able to offer the following services. Please get in touch if you are in need of tree related services but are unsure if these meet your requirements.

The importance of tree protection during development activity is becoming more widely understood and appreciated. There are now multiple levels of detail which can be requested by Local Planning Authorities. This can be unclear and confusing if you have not dealt with the process before.
We are experienced in all aspects of trees and planning, from initial tree surveys (commonly referred to as a BS5837 tree survey), to Arboricultural Impact Assessments, and Arboricultural Method Statements including tree protection plans and tree protection strategies.
We are able to liaise with architects, engineers and project managers to produce arboricultural reports and method statements with digital plans, adhering to the recommendations made within BS5837 to accompany planning applications and discharge planning conditions. We can also provide arboricultural site supervision for delicate works around trees.
If you are in need of assistance with an existing or future planning application please get in touch for no obligation advice and quotations.

Tree Risk Management
The importance of trees in urban environments is becoming commonly understood and recognised. They provide multiple positive contributions to urban areas including; improving the well-being of the local population, climate and pollution management, and increasing the general value of property in the area. There are however inherent risks associated with trees and modern urban living puts a particular demand on the management of these risks.​
From a single tree in a domestic location to large scale urban and rural tree stocks; there are many reasons for assessing and managing trees. These include:
Upholding your duty of care (taking reasonable steps to ensure they do not cause harm or damage to persons/property which may come into contact with them).
Ensuring trees are suitably managed for the location they are growing in.
Identifying defects or disease which left unmanaged could lead to premature failure/decline of the tree.
Identifying areas which are suitable for additional tree planting and ensuring appropriate species selection.
Eastwood Tree Services are experienced in undertaking surveys and inspections to identify, assess and provide management recommendations for trees to meet all of the above factors.

Insurance and Mortgage Applications
An increasing number of mortgage providers and house insurance companies are requesting tree risk and management reports when assessing applications.
Eastwood Tree Services can respond swiftly to carry out site surveys and provide tree management reports to satisfy these requests. A tree report for this application will include a plan of the site detailing tree locations, and a survey schedule identifying the significant vegetation with recommendations for their management.

Tree Decay Detection
When a tree defect involving decay in the main stem or significant limbs is identified it cannot always be suitably quantified and assessed using only visual cues. This is especially the case when trees are large and in areas frequented by high volumes of people, or close to buildings or infrastructure. In these instances more detailed inspection is required to quantify and assess the risk associated with the defect. Thorough assessment of these defects using modern decay detection technology can often allow for more delicate management, allowing for the retention of trees with defects which may appear worrying to the naked eye.
Eastwood Tree Services are able to provide specialist inspections utilising the following:
Sonic Tomography – This technology utilises sound waves to identify areas of degraded wood within the structure of the tree. Sensors are attached around the circumference of the area in question, each measuring the time it takes for soundwaves to traverse the area. The output of the tests are analysed by specialist software to provide images representing the trees internal structure, showing areas of healthy wood, decaying wood and cavities. The software is also able to analyse visuals of the tree canopy to provide pruning recommendations to meet the desired safety factors.
This technology has several benefits, including the ability to ‘see into the tree’ without the need for destructive pruning or drilling, or when there is a cavity without an opening.
Resistograph microdrill – This technology uses a fine drill bit attached to an electric drill motor to measure the resistance of wood as it passes through. This produces a graph detailing the structure of the wood along the route of the test. This test is useful when sonic tomography is not possible due to the location of the defect.

Tree Root Investigation
In cases where tree roots are thought to be either causing damage to built structures, or development works are required in close proximity to trees, investigation to determine the presence, location, depth and size of roots can help to provide suitable recommendations for the management/protection of the roots.
Eastwood Tree Services are able to undertake tree root investigation utilising ‘Airspade’ technology to uncover roots whilst minimising damage which can be caused when using traditional digging machinery. The Airspade uses compressed air to remove soil without the requirement for heavy machinery.