Carbon Reduction Policy
Eastwood Tree Services Ltd:
Carbon Reduction Policy and Plan
There is no question that global warming is a challenge facing all businesses and individuals.
We recognise that our key environmental impacts are as a result of the emission of
greenhouse gases, our generation of waste and our use of energy, water, manufactured
products, and natural resources and that we have an obligation to reduce them.
We also recognise that the very nature of our business reduces the canopy cover of the United
Kingdom and so reduced the ability of the natural environment to correct the carbon balance.
We are committed to a policy of reduction and recycling.​
Our target is to reduce the company's carbon emissions by 50% by 2030.
Associated Documents
Our target and the actions listed below are supported by our documentary management
system and ISO14001: 2015 certification.
Environmental Policy.
Environmental Aspects and Impacts Procedure.
Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register.
Canopy Reduction
Categories of data: Personal data and special categories of personal data
We are concerned that the growth of the arboriculture industry and the ability to clear a site
of trees and vegetation with more efficiency than ever before using mechanical means is
significantly reducing the UK urban forest canopy cover.
Reduction of canopy cover is also being exacerbated by large scale civil engineering projects
such as HS2 and motorway widening.
We are moving from being a company that removes trees to being a company that plants
We shall:
Encourage customers to replant trees following removal by having saplings available to replace removed trees.
Seek opportunities to assist in tree planting initiatives.
Gear up in anticipation of government support for tree planting in the future in order to compete for large scale planting contracts.
Reduction of Electrical Energy Consumption
We are actively reducing our electrical energy consumption and wastage. To meet this
objective, we are:
Reconfiguring our IT hardware.
Ensuring that all new electrical equipment is as energy efficient as possible.
Taking full advantage of natural light rather than electric lighting where possible.
Ensuring that all electrical lighting is low energy or LED.
Switching off unused lighting.
Ensuring that air conditioning units are set to an appropriate level and only used when opening the windows does not produce the required cooling effect.
Ensuring that heaters are set to an appropriate level.
Ensuring IT and other equipment is switched off at the end of the day.
Office Routines
Documents shall be stored and read electronically as the first option.
Our printers have double-sided printing options, and the use of double side printing shall be the preferred method.
We use recycled paper and ask staff to use the second side of scrap paper for proof printing.
Recycling and Waste Management:
We are committed to reducing our paper use and where possible recycling materials such as paper, cardboard, photocopier/printer cartridges, CDs, batteries, paper and plastics.
In addition to paper recycling, staff are encouraged to make use of designated recycling bins for cans and tins, glass, plastic bottles and cardboard.
We actively seek to purchase consumables from sources that have a low packaging or sustainable packaging policy.
We are committed to travel by the lowest carbon means possible.
The fleet shall be systematically replaced with more fuel efficient and lower emitting vehicles. Our target is to have a fleet comprised of Euro 6 or electric vehicles.
Where possible we shall use public transport for business travel.
We believe that good procurement is sustainable procurement. A prudent procurement policy saves cost, reduce carbon, and delivers other environmental benefits such as cutting waste to landfill.
When negotiating new contracts, we will give preference to companies that have adopted practices such as the use of biodegradable products and that follow sustainable practices.
We shall prevent the risk of pollution by implementing robust substance management practices.
The company will conduct regular reviews of its carbon reduction plan to ensure that it is still effective and that it is being implemented as intended.